Monday, 29 June 2009


“… Even before I was born, you had written in Your book everything I would do.” – Psalm 139:16

“Identifying and following the code written for our lives is the only guarantee that produces the unique result that reveals the true purpose of our creation”. – Dammie Oguntayo

What if I was able to tell you how to spend each day of your life according to God’s plan? Won’t you be happy knowing you’re doing what your Father expects of you without wasting a day of your life?

This Scripture really got me thinking…imagine what you engage yourself in daily, is not one of those recorded in His book for your life! Imagine pastoring a church when He has actually called you into business or working as an accountant when He’s actually recorded for you in His book, a Philanthropist. I truly now understand why he will say to some people, “…depart from me, oh you workers of iniquity.” It is very dangerous to be committed to doing the wrong things.

Everything you will become has been written in His book. No wonder, He also says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” --- Jeremiah 29:11. God knows and have plans for each of our lives. He has a plan for your life and you fit very well into His purpose. Following another plan will automatically cause you to chase shadows. God being a Father of love mapped out a plan for you to execute on earth but unfortunately many have devised their own schemes.

Until you go back to getting this master plan, which is almost like a computer plug-in that produces a certain, usually very specific function “on demand”, life becomes so unbearable, full of trials and error. Identifying and following the code written for our lives is the only guarantee that produces the unique result that reveals the true purpose of our creation.

I have found out three categories of people when it comes to running with the plan of God. The first class of people is the class I call the “crowd”.


Their name speaks well of them! This set of people are those called NFA, meaning, No Future Ambitions. They almost exist as if they don’t. Not that they were created without a purpose but they chose not to be bothered in finding the true reason for their existence. They spend the day as it comes. They aim at everything without hitting a target. They are the sought of people that wants to sing today, be a comedian tomorrow, go into business the next month all the way to minister at the pulpit! They are jack of all trades but master of none. Don’t get me wrong, I agree that there are multi-talented people but people that fall into this category I’m talking about are those in the trial and error group. They lack focus. They follow trends, fashion and social changes. They are easily and negatively influenced by friends. Basically, they lack VISION. Obviously, a man without vision is a man without FUTURE. Members of this class end up in frustration and total failure because they refuse to understand the plan and will of God for their lives. Is God to be blamed? I don’t think so. They eventually give up and settle for less. The next class is the “careless”.


This class of individuals are those with the understanding of the purpose of God for their lives but suddenly got distracted off the tracks. They started well with the plan in their hands which was unto them a guide or map for the journey ahead but they eventually got sidetracked based on the cares of this world. They dropped the plan due to environmental factors, attending and giving their time to things that have no direct impact on their purpose. That is why, Timothy was warned: “O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge— by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.” 1 Timothy 6:20-21. People that fall into this category are those that want to give attention to what the people around them are saying. They want a bit of the world, a bit of God. Impossible! You are either cold or hot. Don’t you know that, “No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier? And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.” – 2 Timothy 2:4-5. Life becomes tasteless and loses its salt when a person abandons the plan of God for his life. The last class of people are the “committed”.


They don’t need much explanation; their name depicts them as people of focus. They are not ready to throw in the towel! They understand they have to stand for something or else, they will fall for anything. They are always showing their commitment through “persistence to a purpose”. They are not afraid of making mistakes or even failing. They have so much plugged into the Word of God for their lives. They are out on an assignment to set the pace, to please the one who sent them and to occupy their position here on earth. They understand the challenges involved but yet they are not ready to compromise or take “NO” for an answer. This class of people are always with the plan of God in their hands throughout their lives. They are not willing to part with it unlike the “CARELESS”, which started with the plan but eventually dropped it due to the cares of the world and the system where they find themselves. The “COMMITTED” have just one purpose - to please and execute the assignment ordained them by God.

What has God called you to achieve here on earth? Are you working to execute His plan on earth or are you just minding your own business or have you even collaborated with the devil unknown to you? An honest, self and thorough examination will suffice. With God, it is never too late! Yes, it’s never late. In fact, He is standing at your door patiently waiting for you to grant Him access to the door of your heart where you can begin to experience His will for your life. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” --- Revelation 3:20. What an awesome God!

You might have been a person that falls into the first class described above but His plan is to bring you to the class of those that are committed to living in His will. You can definitely call on Him again to begin to order your steps in the way that you should go. His plan is not to kill you or cast you away but He’s really stretching out His arms of love crying out for you, “Come unto Me and let Me help you, just put your burdens upon Me”.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to see you are not posting anymore, very interesting, you should continue.
